Excel Dashboard Online Course
Create Dynamic and Interactive Dashboard in Excel
بتشتغل على Excel وقت كبير؟ وبتستخدمة لعرض تقارير او Dashboard؟
بيكون مطلوب منك انك تعمل تقارير على Excel ولما بتعملها بتبقى حاسس انها ممكن تطلع بشكل افضل؟
من الحاجات المهمة اللى ممكن تميزك انك تعرف ازاى تعرض Data... ولان Excel جزء اساسى من شغلك فانت محتاج تعرف ازاى تعرض Data فى صورة Dashboard على Excel
بدعوك لحضور Excel Dashboard Workshop
واللى فيها هتتعلم ازاى تعمل dashboard على Excel وتكون بسيطة وواضحة
2- Excel Dashboard Creation
Your Instructor
Ahmed Emad is a professional data visualization expert and the founder of Powerful Insights.
Ahmed has been dedicatedly developing business intelligence projects in the Middle East. One of his best projects was crafted when he was joining SAP as Performance Analytics Consultant, where he developed a set of 10 end to end BI projects using SAP BI tools; two of them won SAP bronze quality award.
Empowered with over 15 years of experience in visualizing data, Ahmed is utilizing his long experience and wide knowledge to boost business ROIs using the powers of visualizing data. He believes that transforming regular reports into perfectly visualized ones can be a turning point for the future of every business. His goal is to spread such powerful solution among those whose jobs include communicating with data.
Course Curriculum
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 1 (8:34)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 2 - Slicer (8:33)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 3 - Dynamic Previous Year (11:30)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 4 - Dount Chart (5:30)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 5 - Progress Bar (6:19)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 6 - Top N (6:23)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 7 - Dashboard Design (18:54)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 8 - Links (7:27)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 9 - Hide Sheets (1:58)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard 10 - Conditional Formatting (7:23)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Intro (2:15)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Dynamic Chart Color (26:51)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Variance Color (11:17)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Chart Drill Down (8:34)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Sheet Link (15:31)
StartCreate Excel Dashboard - New Dashboard Progress Bar Color (7:02)